Moody Rattlesnake Lake Golden Hour Engagement | Bri + Andrew

I arrived at Rattlesnake Lake early to do a bit of scouting before Bri + Andrew met me there for their engagement session. It had been a beautiful, sunny drive - up until the moment I exited the highway and started up the winding road to the Lake. The weather went from sun, to torrential downpour, to quick bursts of hail. I swear I even saw a snowflake or two. I was beginning to despair that our session would be a disaster, but the moment these two pulled to a stop in the parking lot, the sun decided it was about time to show his pretty face and give us one of the best golden sunsets I've seen in months. I credit the two lovebirds over there.

Also, these two made me laugh until I cried.    S O    G O O D .   Stay tuned for their wedding this fall!


Rainy Ravenna Park Engagement | Hanna + Nick


Winter Wedding at Trinity Tree Farm | hannah + Dan